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  1. Vali, Alessio, Balza, et al. 2021. SNMMI Procedure Standard/EANM Practice Guideline on Pediatric 18F-FDG PET/CT for Oncology 1.0. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 62, 1 (2021), 99–110.

  2. Abouhawwash and Alessio, "Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for PET Image Reconstruction: Concept," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol 40:8, pp 2142-2151, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3073243, 2021.

  3. Zigray, Elman, Cheng , Li, Lee, Soine, Caldwell, Alessio, Patient factors and outcomes associated with discordance between quantitative and qualitative cardiac PET ischemia information, PLOS ONE,, 2021.

  4. Banja, Rousselle, Duszak, Safdar, Alessio, “Sharing and Selling Images: Ethical and Regulatory Considerations for Radiologists,” Journal of the American College of Radiology, first published online Sept 1, 2020.

  5. Toia, Alessio, Mileto, "Use of Dual-Energy CT for Quantification of Essential Trace Metals," American Journal of Roentgenology, 10.2214/AJR.20.23138, 2020.

  6. Otjen, Stanescu, Alessio, Parisi, "Ovarian torsion: developing a machine learned algorithm for diagnosis," Pediatric Radiology, 2020.

  7. Zhang, Zukić, Byrd, Enquobahrie, Alessio, Cleary, Banovac, and Kinahan, “PET/CT-guided biopsy with respiratory motion correction,” Int J Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 14:12, pp. 2187–2198, 2019.

  8. Alessio, Bindschadler, Busey, Shuman, Caldwell, Branch, "Accuracy of Myocardial Blood Flow Estimation from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Cardiac CT Compared to PET," Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, vol. 12:6, 2019.

  9. Pan, Einstein, Kappadath, Grogg, Lois-Gomez, Alessio, Hunter, El Fakhri, Kinahan, and Mawlawi, "Performance Evaluation of the 5-Ring GE Discovery MI PET/CT System Using the NEMA NU 2-2012 Standard," Medical Physics, vol. 57: 2, May 2019.

  10. Hunter, Klein, Alessio, deKemp, “Patient body motion correction for dynamic cardiac PET-CT by attenuation-emission alignment according to projection consistency conditions,” Medical Physics, vol 46:4, pp 1697-1706, 2019.

  11. Saxena, Friedman, Bly, Otjen, Alessio, Li, Hannaford, Whipple, Moe, “Comparison of Micro–Computed Tomography and Clinical Computed Tomography Protocols for Visualization of Nasal Cartilage Before Surgical Planning for Rhinoplasty.” JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 2019.

  12. Chapman, Menashe, Zare, Alessio, Ishak, “Establishment of normative values for the fetal posterior fossa by magnetic resonance imaging,” Prenatal Diagnosis, vol 38:13, pp 1035-1041, 2018.

  13. Machado, Menezes, Namías, Vieira, Queiroz, Matheoud, Alessio, Oliveira, “Protocols for Harmonized Quantification and Noise Reduction in Low Dose Oncological 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging," Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, vol 47:1, pp 47-54, 2019

  14. Doris, Otaki, Krishnan, Kwiecinski, Rubeaux, Alessio, Pan, Cadet, Dey, Dweck, Newby, Berman, Slomka, "Optimization of reconstruction and quantification of motion-corrected coronary PET-CT," Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 383:705-11, 2018

  15. Mileto, Zamora, Alessio, Pereira, … Kanal,  “CT Detectability of Small Low-Contrast Hypoattenuating Focal Lesions: Iterative Reconstructions vs. Filtered Backprojection,” Radiology vol 289:2, pp 443-454, 2018


Conference Proceedings

  1. Burkow, Holste, Otjen, Perez, Junewick, Alessio, "Avalanche decision schemes to improve pediatric rib fracture detection," SPIE Medical Imaging, 2022.

  2. Holste, Partridge, Rahbar, Biswas, Lee, Alessio, "End-to-End Learning of Fused Image and Non-Image Features for Improved Breast Cancer Classification from MRI,” Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops,  pp 3294-3303, October 2021.

  3. Azmat, Tu, Alessio, Branch, "Machine learned versus analytical models for estimation of Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) from CT-derived information," SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021.

  4. Tu, Azmat, Branch, Alessio, "Machine learned approach for estimating myocardial blood flow from dynamic CT and coronary artery disease risk factors," SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021.

  5. J Cox, S Rubin, J Adams, C Pereira, M Dighe, Alessio, "Hyperparameter selection for ResNet classification of malignancy from thyroid ultrasound images," SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2020.

  6. R Sullivan, G Holste, J Burkow, Alessio, "Deep learning methods for segmentation of lines in pediatric chest radiographs," SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2020.

  7. G Holste, R Sullivan, M Bindschadler, N Nagy, Alessio, "Multi-class semantic segmentation of pediatric chest radiographs," SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2020.

  8. P Carras, C Pereira, D Biswas, C Lee, S Partridge, Alessio, "Genetic algorithm for machine learning architecture selection for breast MRI classification," SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2020.

  9. Colbry, Murillo, Alessio, Christlieb, "Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE): Establishing an Academic Department Dedicated to Scientific Computation as a Discipline," J Computational Science Education, vol 11, pp 68-72, 2020.

  10. Bindschadler, Branch, Alessio, “Evaluation of radiation dose reduction via myocardial frame reduction in dynamic cardiac CT for perfusion quantitation,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2018.

  11. Pereira, Dighe, Alessio, “Comparison of machine learned approaches for thyroid nodule characterization from shear wave elastography images,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Houston 2018.



  1. Abouhawwash, Alessio, “Multi-objective Optimization of Machine Learned Objective Functions for PET Image Reconstruction,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine (abstract), 2022.

  2. Alessio, Khan, and Patel, A multi-modal deep learning model integrates clinical, pathomic, and radiomic features for glioma classification and grading. Journal of Clinical Oncology 40:16_suppl, e14038-e14038, 2022.

  3. Gadgeel, Burkow, Perez, Junewick, Zbojniewicz, Otjen, Alessio, “Evaluation of inter-reader reproducibility for detection and labeling of pediatric rib fractures on radiographs,” International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome [Virtual], Oct 11-15, 2021.

  4. Burkow, Holste, Perez, Junewick, Zbojniewicz, Frost, Romberg, Menashe, Otjen, Alessio, "Rib Fracture Detection in Pediatric Radiographs via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks," International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome [Virtual], Oct 11-15, 2021.

  5. Mccandless, Alessio, Morrison, “Machine Learning to Predict the Risk of Pneumothorax Requiring Chest Tube Placement after Lung Biopsy,”   2021.

  6. Abouhawwash, Alessio, “Reference Point Based Genetic Algorithm for PET Image Reconstruction,” IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. and Med. Imaging Conf., Virtual, 2020.

  7. Azmat, Branch, Alessio, Virtual Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Benefit of Patient-Specific Blood Flow in CT Assessment of Functional Significance of Coronary Artery Stenosis, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, 2020.

  8. Tu, Brusen, Branch, Alessio, Comparison of Cardiac CT to PET for Non-invasive Myocardial Ischemia Grading, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, 2020.

  9. Abouhawwash, Deb, Alessio, “Exploration of Multi-objective Optimization with Genetic Algorithms for PET Image Reconstruction,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine (abstract), 2020.

  10. Alessio, Adams, Lassen, Slomka, “Characterization of Partial Volume Errors in Coronary Plaque PET Imaging,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine (abstract), 2020.

  11. Rubin, Adams, Cox, Pereira, Dighe, Alessio, “Machine learning with ultrasound to automate risk stratification and reduce fine needle aspiration in thyroid cancer” [Abstract 473].   31(3):S209, 2020.

  12. Rubin, Adams, Cox, Pereira, Dighe, Wolf, and Alessio, “Towards automated structed reporting of thyroid ultrasound to reduce fine needle aspirations in thyroid cancer,” Michigan Osteopathic Association Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2019.

  13. Carras, Alessio, "Automatic Machine Learning Architecture Selection for Breast MRI Classification," MID-SURE Symposium, East Lansing, MI, 2019.

  14. Cox, Pereira, Dighe, Alessio, "Adaptation of the ResNet-50 Classification Architecture for the Prediction of Malignancy of Thyroid Nodules," MID-SURE Symposium, East Lansing, MI, 2019.

  15. Adams, Pereira, Dighe, Cox, Rubin, Alessio, "Classification of Thyroid Nodules using Machine Learned One Class Autoencoders," MID-SURE Symposium, East Lansing, MI, 2019.

  16. Sullivan, Holste, Alessio, "Deep Learning Methods for Automatic Evaluation of Lines in Chest Radiographs," MID-SURE Symposium, East Lansing, MI, 2019.

  17. Holste, Sullivan, Nagy, Bindschadler, Alessio, "Automatic Segmentation of Chest Radiographs with Deep Learning," MID-SURE Symposium, East Lansing, MI, 2019.

  18. Bindschadler, , Ferguson, Blackledge, Friedman, Otto, “Phantom for optimizing flow protocols in pediatric cardiac MRI,” Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Bellevue, 2019.

  19. Toia GV, Alessio AM, Mileto A. “Development of a Nonlinear Algorithm to Identify Minimal Detectable Concentrations of Trace Metals (Iron, Copper, Zinc) Using Dual-Energy CT in a Simulated Abdominal Phantom Experiment,” Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance, Washington DC, 2018.

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